enginnering Archives – Curtis Machine Tools https://curtisgrinding.co.uk Providing engineered grinding solutions to manufacturers worldwide. Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:09:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 https://curtisgrinding.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-CMT-WordPress-Site-Icon-1-32x32.jpg enginnering Archives – Curtis Machine Tools https://curtisgrinding.co.uk 32 32 A long tradition in grinding https://curtisgrinding.co.uk/a-long-tradition-in-grinding/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-long-tradition-in-grinding https://curtisgrinding.co.uk/a-long-tradition-in-grinding/#respond Wed, 14 Apr 2021 10:24:26 +0000 https://curtisgrinding.co.uk/?p=2244   VECTOR Twin and Quad Is a well-established British manufacturer of high precision grinding machines for small components. We supply bespoke engineered grinding solutions to manufacturers worldwide and have over 45 years’ experience within a variety of industries, such as automotive, cutting tools and defence.   Our Grind in a Box patented technology has proved [...]

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VECTOR Twin and Quad

Is a well-established British manufacturer of high precision grinding machines for small components. We supply bespoke engineered grinding solutions to manufacturers worldwide and have over 45 years’ experience within a variety of industries, such as automotive, cutting tools and defence.
   Our Grind in a Box patented technology has proved to be a global success, based on this innovative concept, CMT have designed and manufactured the VECTOR family of grinding machines. The Engineering team at CMT are constantly developing new machining methods and applications that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers and market conditions, in order to maximise the efficiency of production. The integration of additional processes such as:

  • Vision systems
  • Automation
  • Workpiece inspection
  • Deburr, wash and dry
  • Laser marking, packaging and much more.

These are designed, developed, and integrated into the VECTOR, providing a complete turn-key process. CMT offer limitless possibilities to engineer and implement the user-specific requirements. With hundreds of machines ranging from a standalone solution to fully automated production lines, CMT is one of the market leaders in this field and your partner when it comes to process orientated solutions.
Our machines are fitted with the latest technology, including Siemens control systems, and our engineers have a high level of understanding using both Fanuc and Staubli robotics.

All the VECTOR machine variants share the same grinding platform, with a long radial stroke and a short axial stroke, for single and multi-plunge operations or peel grinding of profiles. VECTOR machines have been designed to give maximum productivity and precision with an exceedingly small footprint, providing an excellent ROI.


The VECTOR Twin incorporates an indexing twin-spindle workhead, allowing loading and secondary operations to be performed. This additional spindle allows loading and unloading to take place whilst grinding is in process on the other spindle, giving a spark-to-spark time approaching zero, making it ideal for cycle time optimised production.


Vector Quad

The VECTOR Quad is based on the proven VECTOR Twin, revolutionising production grinding. The Quad uses an innovative four-spindle workhead, enabling the outer diameters or contours to be ground simultaneously on two workpieces, using the same grinding wheel, doubling the output. The Quad has a maximum diameter of 45mm.

Inside of Vector Quad grinding machine

This article can also be seen in the April 2021 edition of Grinding and Surface Finishing magazine.


The post A long tradition in grinding appeared first on Curtis Machine Tools.

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